Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
86 lines
-- --
-- Library Unit: AVL -- Generic AVL tree package --
-- --
-- Author: Bradley L. Richards --
-- --
-- Version Date Notes . . . --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- 1.0 12 Mar 86 Initial Version (delete & update not done) --
-- 1.1 19 Aug 86 Added update and release procedures --
-- 1.2 7 Sep 86 Added delete procedure, cleaned up code --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- --
-- Library units used: unchecked_deallocation (text_io when debugging) --
-- --
-- Description: This package provides generic functions for creating, --
-- modifying, and accessing AVL trees. AVL trees are binary trees --
-- which never have more than one level of imbalance between any --
-- two subtrees. Balance is maintained automatically when the tree --
-- is being built. --
-- The data to be maintained in the tree is never actually passed --
-- to this package. Rather, pointers to the data are passed in, via --
-- type "node_ptr." Also, comparison functions on the key fields of --
-- the data must be provided. The package requires a less-than and an --
-- equality test. --
-- --
with unchecked_deallocation;
--with text_io; use text_io; -- debug
type node is limited private;
type node_ptr is access node; -- points to the data for a node
with function equal (a, b : node_ptr) return boolean;
with function less_than (a, b : node_ptr) return boolean;
--with procedure put_data (a : node_ptr); -- debug
package avl is
type tree_ptr is private;
function init_tree return tree_ptr;
function copy_tree( original : tree_ptr ) return tree_ptr;
procedure add_node( tree : in out tree_ptr; data : in node_ptr;
duplicate : out boolean );
procedure delete_node( tree : in out tree_ptr; data : in node_ptr;
not_found : out boolean );
function fetch_node( tree : tree_ptr; data : node_ptr) return node_ptr;
--procedure print_tree( tree : tree_ptr ); -- debug
procedure release( tree : in out tree_ptr );
procedure update_node( tree : in tree_ptr; data : in node_ptr;
not_found : out boolean );
avl_error : exception;
type subtree_status is (tall_left, left, same, right, tall_right);
--package bal_io is new enumeration_io(subtree_status); use bal_io; -- debug
-- tree_node is declared first here, since the compiler otherwise
-- thinks I'm trying to overload type tree. Another bug?
type tree_node;
type tree_ptr is access tree_node;
type tree_node is
balance : subtree_status := same;
left_child, right_child : tree_ptr := null;
parent : tree_ptr := null;
data : node_ptr := null;
end record;
procedure free_AVL is new unchecked_deallocation(tree_node, tree_ptr);
function fetch_node( tree : tree_ptr; data : node_ptr) return tree_ptr;
function needs_single_rotation(p1, p2, p3, p4 : in tree_ptr) return boolean;
procedure rotate_singly(p1, p2, p3 : in out tree_ptr);
procedure rotate_doubly(p1, p2, p3, p4 : in out tree_ptr);
end avl;